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MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

MBA Human Resource Management Online Tests

Pay Structures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Pay Structures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Pay Structures MCQ PDF download to learn free management online courses. Study Compensation Strategies and Practices Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Pay Structures quiz answers PDF for online management certificate programs. The Pay Structures MCQ App Download: Free learning app for base pay system development, pay fairness perceptions, pay systems legal constraints test prep for global executive MBA.

The MCQ: Employee who is paid more than the specified range for the job is classified as; "Pay Structures" App Download (Free) with answers green circled employee, red circled employee, blue circled employee and white circled employee for online management certificate programs. Practice pay structures quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for top business schools.

Pay Structures MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The employee who is paid more than the specified range for the job is classified as

A) green circled employee
B) red circled employee
C) blue circled employee
D) white circled employee

MCQ 2: The situation in organization in which differences of individual pay with different level of performance becomes small is classified as

A) pay compression
B) grade compression
C) equity compression
D) matrix compression

MCQ 3: The graph which shows the relationship between job value, which is determined rates of pay survey and job evaluation points is classified as

A) market line
B) pay line
C) regression line
D) pay structure line

MCQ 4: The group of all the jobs which have the same worth of job are classified as

A) non-exemption grade
B) regression grade
C) exemption grade
D) pay grade

MCQ 5: The procedure of using less and more broad pay grades than the traditional system of compensation is classified as

A) salary banding
B) structure banding
C) broad banding
D) grade banding

MBA Human Resource Management Practice Tests

Pay Structures Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Pay Structures App (Android & iOS)

Pay Structures App (Android & iOS)

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