MBA: Business Courses

Chapter 2: MBA Human Resource Management Exam Tests

MBA Human Resource Management MCQs - Chapter 2

Employee Rights and Discipline Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

Free Employee Rights and Discipline Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Employee Rights and Discipline MCQ Quiz PDF, test 1 to study online MBA Human Resource Management Course. Practice Positive Discipline Approach MCQs, Employee Rights and Discipline trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Employee Rights and Discipline MCQs App Download & e-Book for rights and responsibilities issues, employee relationship career test for easiest online MBA programs to get into.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Second step in positive discipline approach is; "Employee Rights and Discipline" App Download (Free) with answers discharge, final warning, counseling and written documentation for online management certificate courses. Solve positive discipline approach quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for fastest online MBA program.

Employee Rights & Discipline Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: The second step in positive discipline approach is

A) final warning
B) discharge
C) counseling
D) written documentation

MCQ 2: The agreement through which terminated employees agree to get benefits in exchange of not to sue the employers, is classified as

A) separation agreement
B) contractual agreement
C) statutory agreement
D) non separable agreement

MCQ 3: The panel of employees who get statements from other disciplined subordinates to make decisions is called

A) peer review panel
B) instructive panel
C) constructive panel
D) distributive panel

MCQ 4: The process which involves the third party usually neutral in nature while making decisions is classified as

A) procedural justice
B) constructive justice
C) arbitration
D) ombudsman

MCQ 5: The individual who solve different issues of employees and management and is outside the usual chain of command is called

A) procedural justice
B) constructive justice
C) arbitration
D) ombudsman

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Employee Rights & Discipline App (Android & iOS)

Employee Rights & Discipline App (Android & iOS)

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