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Operation on Sets Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 96

The e-Book Operation on Sets MCQ Questions, operation on sets quiz answers PDF download chapter 11-96 to learn free math online courses. Solve Sets, Functions and Groups Test PDF, operation on sets Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Operation on Sets MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for operation on sets, period of trigonometric functions, online math learning test prep for best online ACT prep class.

The MCQ Quiz: For any subset A and B of U, (A ∪ B )c; "Operation on Sets" App APK Download (Free) with answers a ∪ b, a n b, π and ac ∪ bc to study online certification courses. Study sets, functions and groups questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online bachelor degree programs.

Operation on Sets Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 96

MCQ 476: For any subset A and B of U, (A ∪ B )c

A) A n B
B) A ∪ B
C) π
D) Ac ∪ Bc

MCQ 477: The period of csc(2x) is

A) π/3
B) π/2
C) 2π/3
D) π

MCQ 478: Sin(x+60°) + sin(x-60°) =

A) 1/√2cos(x)
B) √3/2sin(x)
C) 1/√2sin(x)
D) sin(x)

MCQ 479: The union of two non-collinear rays which have a common endpoint is called the

A) angle
B) radian
C) degree
D) minute

MCQ 480: A number A is said to be arithmetic mean between two numbers a and b if a,A,b is

A) a sequence
B) not a sequence
C) G.P
D) A.P

College Math Exam Prep Tests

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