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College Math Practice Test 61

Row Matrix Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 61

The e-Book Row Matrix Quiz Questions, row matrix quiz answers PDF download, chapter 5-61 to study free math online courses. Practice Matrices and Determinants MCQ with answers PDF, row matrix Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Row Matrix Quiz App Download: Free learning app for row matrix, combinations, introduction to sets, functions and groups, rational numbers and irrational numbers, basic trigonometric identities test prep for SAT test.

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Row Matrix Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 61

MCQ 301: The transpose of a row matrix is

A) zero matrix
B) diagonal matrix
C) column matrix
D) row matrix

MCQ 302: The number of words that can be formed out of the letters of the word LOUISIANA is

A) 9ι/3ι.2²ι
B) 9ι.3ι.2²ι
C) 9ι.3ι.2ι.2ι
D) 9ι/3ι.2ι.2ι

MCQ 303: The number of subsets of a set of 4 elements

A) 16
B) 8
C) 4
D) 6

MCQ 304: Every odd integer is also

A) Rational number
B) Negative integer
C) Irrational number
D) Positive integer

MCQ 305: Tan294° =

A) cot24°
B) −cot24°
C) −tan24°
D) tan24°

College Math Exam Prep Tests

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