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Rectangular Matrix Quiz Questions and Answers PDF

The e-Book Rectangular Matrix Quiz Questions, rectangular matrix quiz answers PDF download, chapter 5-1 to study free math online courses. Practice Matrices and Determinants MCQ with answers PDF, rectangular matrix Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Rectangular Matrix Quiz App Download: Free learning app for rectangular matrix, hyperbolic functions, introduction to functions and limits, remainder theorem, triple angle identities test prep for colleges offering online degree programs.

The Quiz: Transpose of a rectangular matrix is a; "Rectangular Matrix" App Download (Free) with answers diagonal matrix, rectangular matrix, square matrix and scaler matrix for online graduate programs. Solve matrices and determinants questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for 2 year online degrees.

Rectangular Matrix Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 1

MCQ 1: The transpose of a rectangular matrix is a

A) rectangular matrix
B) diagonal matrix
C) square matrix
D) scaler matrix

MCQ 2: Coth(x) =

A) ex + e-x/2
B) ex - e-x/2
C) ex - e-x/ex + e-x
D) ex + e-x/ex - e-x

MCQ 3: If y is expressed in terms of a variable x as Y = ƒ(x), then y is called

A) explicit function
B) implicit function
C) linear function
D) identity function

MCQ 4: If x4 - 3x + 5 is divided by 2x - 1, then the remainder is

A) 3516
B) −3516
C) −9
D) 3

MCQ 5: Cos3α =

A) 4sinα - 3sin³α
B) 4cos³α - 3cosα
C) 3cos³α - 4cosα
D) 3sinα - 4sin³α

College Math Exam Prep Tests

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Rectangular Matrix App (Android & iOS)

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