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Chapter 7: College Math Exam Tests

College Math MCQs - Chapter 7

Partial Fractions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

The e-Book Partial Fractions Trivia Questions, Partial Fractions quiz answers PDF download, test 4 to study free College Math Online Course. Solve when Q(x) has non-repeated linear factors MCQs, Partial Fractions quiz questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Partial Fractions Trivia App Download: Free educational app for rational fractions, when q(x) has repeated linear factors career test for online college for teaching degree.

The MCQ Quiz: 1/(x-3)(x-2) =; "Partial Fractions" App APK Download (Free) with answers 1/(x-3) - 1/(x-2), 1/x² - 1/(x-2), 1/x³ - 1/(x-2), and 1/(x+3) - 1/(x+2) to study distance learning courses. Practice when q(x) has non-repeated linear factors quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for accredited online colleges.

Partial Fractions Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: 1/(x-3)(x-2) =

A) 1/x² - 1/(x-2)
B) 1/(x-3) - 1/(x-2)
C) 1/x³ - 1/(x-2)
D) 1/(x+3) - 1/(x+2)

MCQ 17: A fraction in which the degree of the numberator is greater than the degree of the denominator

A) a proper fraction
B) an improper fraction
C) equation
D) algebric relation

MCQ 18: Partial fractions of x/(x-a)(x-b)(x-c) will be of the form

A) A/(x+a) +B/(x+b) + C/(x+c)
B) A/(x-a) +B/(x-b) + C/(x-c)
C) A/(x+a) +B/(x-b) + C/(x+c)
D) None of Above

MCQ 19: Ax+B/(cx+d)²

A) A/(cx+d) +B/(cx+D)²
B) Ax+B/(cx+d)²
C) A/(cx+d) + B/(cx+d)
D) None of Above

MCQ 20: Partial fractions of 1/(x³+1) will be of the form

A) A/(x-1) - B/(x²-x + 1)
B) A/(x+1) + B/(x²-x -1)
C) A/(x+1) + bx + c/(x²-x + 1)
D) Ax+B/(x-1) + C/(x²-x + 1)

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