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Chapter 3: College Math Exam Tests

College Math MCQs - Chapter 3

Functions and Limits MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

The e-Book Functions and Limits Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Functions and Limits MCQ PDF download, test 2 to learn online College Math Course. Solve Odd Functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Functions and Limits quiz with answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free educational app: Functions and Limits MCQ App Download & e-Book for notation and value of function, composition of functions, parametric functions, introduction to functions and limits career test for best ACT prep courses online.

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Functions & Limits Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: ƒ(x) = sin(x) is

A) linear function
B) quadratic function
C) odd function
D) even function

MCQ 7: If y is an image of x under the function f, we write it as

A) x = ƒ(y)
B) y ≠ ƒ(x)
C) y = ƒ(x)
D) y = x

MCQ 8: If ƒ(x) = tan-1 and g(x) = tan(x), then (gof)(x) =

A) tan-1xtan(x)
B) tan-1xcot(x)
C) x
D) tan-1xsin(x)

MCQ 9: Equations x = 3cost and y = 3sint represent the eqation of

A) line
B) circle
C) parabola
D) hyperbola

MCQ 10: If f:X→Y is a function, then y εY is called

A) dependent variable of f
B) Independent variable of f
C) value of f
D) range of f

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Functions & Limits App (Android & iOS)

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