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Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests

Computer Fundamentals Online Tests

User Interfaces Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book User Interfaces Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, User Interfaces MCQ PDF download to learn free computer fundamentals online courses. Study Communications Hardware-Terminals and Interfaces Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), User Interfaces quiz answers PDF to study computing courses online. The User Interfaces MCQ App Download: Free learning app for communication, remote and local, visual display terminals test prep for computer science programs.

The MCQ: Technique of using two buffers as interface between two devices is called; "User Interfaces" App Download (Free) with answers double digitalizing, single buffering, double interfacing and double buffering to study computing courses online. Practice user interfaces quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for information and communication technology.

User Interfaces MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Technique of using two buffers as interface between two devices is called

A) double digitalizing
B) single buffering
C) double interfacing
D) double buffering

MCQ 2: Modem which is attached between a remote terminal and telephone system is an example of

A) interfaces
B) converter
C) analogue
D) digitized

MCQ 3: Any digital computer that accepts input from analogue devices, it must have converter of type

A) analogue to digital
B) digital to analogue
C) digital double buffering
D) digital single buffering

MCQ 4: If central processing unit is programmed to send output to analogue device then the converter must be of type

A) digital to analogue
B) analogue to digital
C) analogue double buffering
D) digital double buffering

MCQ 5: Any hardware or software which is used to connect two devices by enabling them to communicate is classified as

A) analogue modem
B) digital modem
C) analogue interface
D) interface

Computer Fundamentals Practice Tests

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User Interfaces App (Android & iOS)

User Interfaces App (Android & iOS)

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