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Computer Fundamentals Practice Test 12

User Interfaces Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 12

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User Interfaces Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 12

MCQ 56: Modem which is attached between a remote terminal and telephone system is an example of

  1. interfaces
  2. converter
  3. analogue
  4. digitized

MCQ 57: Use of robot by the car manufacturing companies is an example of

  1. machine controlled computers
  2. network controlled computers
  3. applicant controlled computers
  4. user controlled computers

MCQ 58: File code which engineers add to the file name and limit access to few users is called

  1. limited code
  2. access code
  3. code protection
  4. physical code

MCQ 59: In multiprogramming, programmer chooses the programs which are suitable to run together from

  1. job center
  2. job terminal
  3. job queue
  4. timed job

MCQ 60: When power is switched OFF, it will lost its data, such type of memory is classified as

  1. volatile storage
  2. non volatile storage
  3. impact storage
  4. non impact storage

Computer Fundamentals Exam Prep Tests

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User Interfaces App (Android & iOS)

User Interfaces App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

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