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Chapter 15: Computer Fundamentals Exam Tests

Computer Fundamentals MCQs - Chapter 15

Storage Devices and Media Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

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Storage Devices & Media Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: In hard discs, collection of seek time, transfer time and rotational delay is equal to

A) processing time
B) storage time
C) access time
D) delay time

MCQ 17: Specific type of memory that can be erased anytime is classified as


MCQ 18: Single disc which is held in protective jacket and has a magnetized surface is available to read or write data is

A) floppy disc
B) fixed disc
C) magnetized disc
D) hard disc

MCQ 19: Access store from which data can be read and can be written on it is classified as

A) read only memory
B) random access memory
C) random only memory
D) read access memory

MCQ 20: Disc which has diameter of 30cm and have capacity of 1000 megabytes is classified as

A) bubble floppy
B) blocked bubble disc
C) compact disc
D) laser discs

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Storage Devices & Media App (Android & iOS)

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