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General Knowledge Online Tests

Solar and Lunar Eclipse Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The Book Solar and Lunar Eclipse Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Solar and Lunar Eclipse MCQ PDF Download) free to learn general knowledge online courses. Study Space and Solar System Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Solar and Lunar Eclipse quiz answers PDF for high school entrance exam. The Solar and Lunar Eclipse MCQ App Download: Free learning app for asteroid belt, neptune facts, jupiter facts, equinoxes and solstices test prep for online assessment test for jobs.

The MCQ: Terminology of the conjunction of sun and moon is; "Solar and Lunar Eclipse" App Download (Free) with answers star eclipse, ariel eclipse, lunar eclipse and solar eclipse for high school entrance exam. Practice solar and lunar eclipse quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) to enroll in online classes.

Solar and Lunar Eclipse MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The terminology of the conjunction of sun and moon is

  1. Star eclipse
  2. Ariel Eclipse
  3. Lunar eclipse
  4. Solar eclipse

MCQ 2: The kind of eclipse in which Moon blocks out the Sun entirely is classified as

  1. annular eclipse
  2. titanic eclipse
  3. total eclipse
  4. partial eclipse

MCQ 3: Lunar eclipse in which Sun, Earth, and Moon are not aligned in perfect straight line is known as

  1. Titania lunar eclipse
  2. Antumbra lunar eclipse
  3. umbra lunar eclipse
  4. penumbral lunar eclipse

MCQ 4: Width of Earth's umbra is

  1. 1.5 million km
  2. 1.3 million km
  3. 1.4 million km
  4. 1.6 million km

MCQ 5: Points at which two orbital planes meet are known as

  1. Ariel nodes
  2. lunar nodes
  3. solar nodes
  4. umbra nodes

General Knowledge Practice Tests

Solar and Lunar Eclipse Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Solar and Lunar Eclipse App (Android & iOS)

Solar and Lunar Eclipse App (Android & iOS)

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