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Galileo Galileo Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 232

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The MCQ Quiz: Book written by Galileo when he was house arrest is; "Galileo Galileo" App APK Download (Free) with answers two chief world systems, one world system, three new sciences and two new sciences for high school entrance exam. Study famous scientists questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for high school entrance exam.

Galileo Galileo Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 232

MCQ 1156: Book written by Galileo when he was house arrest is

A) One World System
B) Two Chief World Systems
C) Three New Sciences
D) Two New Sciences

MCQ 1157: Hottest planet of all the planets of Solar System is

A) Mars
B) Earth
C) Venus
D) Mercury

MCQ 1158: Second Nobel Prize winning scientist after Marie Curie is

A) Irene Joliot Curie
B) Maria Goeppert Mayer
C) Dorris Lessing
D) Barbara McClintok

MCQ 1159: Electric bulb, motion picture camera and phonograph are all great inventions of famous American scientist

A) Thomas Edison
B) Nikola Tesla
C) Marie Curie
D) Farrie Curie

MCQ 1160: Considering facts about Earth, the orbit period of planet Earth is

A) 355 Earth days
B) 356 Earth days
C) 365.26 Earth days
D) 360 Earth days

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

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