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General Knowledge Practice Test 178

Jacobus Henricus vant Hoff MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 178

The e-Book Jacobus Henricus vant Hoff Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Jacobus Henricus vant Hoff MCQs PDF download, test 178 to learn free general knowledge online courses. Study Famous Scientists quiz answers PDF, Jacobus Henricus vant Hoff Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Jacobus Henricus vant Hoff MCQs App Download: Free educational app for neptune facts, web browser, federal bureau of investigation, regenerative circuit, jacobus henricus vant hoff test prep for college entrance test.

The MCQs: Organic and physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff died in; "Jacobus Henricus vant Hoff" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers 1912, 1915, 1911 and 1917 for online entry exam prep. Practice famous scientists questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for easy enrollment online colleges.

Jacobus Henricus vant Hoff Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 178

MCQ 886: Organic and physical chemist Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff died in

A) 1915
B) 1912
C) 1911
D) 1917

MCQ 887: In 1914, first regenerative circuit was invented and patented by

A) Fredinand Magellan
B) Edwin Armstrong
C) Johnson Armstrong
D) Horace day

MCQ 888: The Bureau of Investigation adopted its current name Federal Bureau of Investigation in

A) 1952
B) 1955
C) 1958
D) 1959

MCQ 889: First popular web browser was introduced in

A) 1993
B) 1995
C) 1998
D) 1991

MCQ 890: The surface temperature of planet Neptune is

A) −340 °C
B) −201 °C
C) −301 °C
D) −315 °C

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