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World Stock Markets Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download eBook p. 23

World Stock Markets MCQ questions and answers PDF, world stock markets quiz answers PDF, financial markets test 23 for online classes. Learn primary and secondary stock markets Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), World Stock Markets quiz questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn primary and secondary stock markets, stock market index, stock market securities, derivative securities market career test for business management classes online.

"The gross proceeds of stock is $37000 and the underwriter spread is $25000" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on world stock markets with choices 37000, 25000, 12000, and 62000 to study distance learning courses. Practice primary and secondary stock markets quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for accredited online business management degree.

MCQs on World Stock Markets PDF Download eBook

MCQ: The gross proceeds of stock is $37000 and the underwriter spread is $25000

  1. 25000
  2. 37000
  3. 12000
  4. 62000


MCQ: The type of index in which the current values of stock are added together and divided by the value of stock on base date, is classified as

  1. value weighted index
  2. herring weighted index
  3. primary market index
  4. stock market index


MCQ: The buying price of stock is $35 and it can be sold for $30 whereas the dividend paid is $6 then return on stock is

  1. 0.3667
  2. 0.4667
  3. 0.2667
  4. 0.2667


MCQ: The particular place at which the transactions of New York stock exchange occurs is classified as

  1. trading post
  2. issuance post
  3. silence post
  4. sellers post


MCQ: The type of contract which involves the immediate exchange of funds and assets is classified as

  1. spot contract
  2. forward contract
  3. future contracts
  4. present contract