BBA: Finance Courses

Chapter 4: Financial Markets Exam Tests

Financial Markets MCQs - Chapter 4

Introduction to Financial Markets Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

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Introduction to Financial Markets Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: The services provided by financial institutions as providing financing to any specific sector of economy such as real estate business are classified as

A) business allocation
B) sector allocation
C) economic allocation
D) credit allocation

MCQ 12: The risk arises when the technology system may got malfunction is classified as

A) system risk
B) technology risk
C) operational risk
D) support risk

MCQ 13: The type of market in which securities with less than one year maturity are traded, is classified as

A) money market
B) capital market
C) transaction market
D) global market

MCQ 14: The type of structured market through which the funds flow with the help of financial instruments such as bonds and stocks is classified as

A) financial markets
B) non-financial markets
C) funds market
D) flow market

MCQ 15: The type of risk in which payments are interrupted by the intervention of foreign governments is considered as

A) channel risk
B) globalization risk
C) state risk
D) country risk

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Introduction to Financial Markets App (Android & iOS)

Introduction to Financial Markets App (Android & iOS)

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