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Bond Markets Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download eBook p. 2

Bond Markets MCQ questions and answers PDF, bond markets quiz answers PDF, financial markets test 2 for online classes. Learn corporate bonds Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Bond Markets quiz questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn corporate bonds, brady and sovereign bonds, convertible bond analysis, trading process: corporate bond career test for online BS business administration.

"The placement of financial issue in which investment bank and municipality together find the large buyers is classified as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on bond markets with choices federal placement, reserve placement, private placement, and government placement to learn online educational courses. Practice corporate bonds quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online master's degree in business management.

MCQs on Bond Markets PDF Download eBook

MCQ: The placement of financial issue in which investment bank and municipality together find the large buyers is classified as

  1. reserve placement
  2. federal placement
  3. private placement
  4. government placement


MCQ: The bonds having longer maturity on original loans than promised payments are classified as

  1. developed bonds
  2. developing bonds
  3. Brady bonds
  4. swapped bonds


MCQ: If the trading of municipal bonds is infrequent, then secondary market is considered as

  1. thin markets
  2. thick markets
  3. higher underwriting
  4. lower underwriting


MCQ: The difference between face value of the bond and the call price of the bond is considered as

  1. call premium
  2. call provision
  3. discount premium
  4. discount provision


MCQ: The bonds that are considered investment rating bonds are given the rating of

  1. triple B rating bonds
  2. double B
  3. triple A
  4. double A