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Zoology Practice Tests

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Zoology Practice Tests by Answering MCQs PDF

The e-Book Zoology Practice Tests by Answering MCQs, Zoology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) PDF download to learn free zoology online courses. Solve Cytoplasm Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Zoology quiz answers PDF for online computer science classes. The Zoology Practice Tests by Answering MCQs App Download: Free learning app for zoology graduate level questions with answer key, quick review of zoology with multiple choice questions, zoology basic interview questions and answers, zoology lessons objective questions and answers test prep for online associates degree.

The MCQ: Soluble part of a cell is called; "Zoology Practice Tests by Answering MCQs" App Download (Free) with answers cytoplasm, cytosol, cell membrane and cell wall for online computer science classes. Practice zoology practice tests by answering mcqs quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for best online colleges.

Zoology MCQs: Zoology Practice Tests by Answering MCQs PDF Download

MCQ 1: The soluble part of a cell is called

  1. Cytoplasm
  2. Cytosol
  3. Cell membrane
  4. cell wall

MCQ 2: Prokaryotic cells are also called

  1. small cell
  2. Protoplast
  3. Pro-Nucleus
  4. Cytoplasm

MCQ 3: A cell membrane is bilayer ,made up of

  1. Solid and liquid
  2. cells
  3. Glucose
  4. Phospholipids and Protein

MCQ 4: The outer covering in animal cell is called

  1. Cell wall
  2. Cell membrane
  3. Cellulose
  4. Cytoplasm

MCQ 5: The two parts of Cytoplasm named as

  1. Cyto and Plasm
  2. Cytosol and Cytomembrane System
  3. Cell and Cytosol
  4. Membrane and Cell

Practice Tests: Zoology Exam Prep

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