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HTML Certification Exam Tests

HTML Practice Test 28

HTML CSS and Web Design Knowledge Quizzes PDF Download - 28

The e-Book HTML CSS and Web Design Knowledge Quizzes, html quiz questions and answers PDF, test 28 to practice html online assessment tests. Solve HTML trivia questions, html css and web design knowledge quizzes Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Learning App: "HTML, CSS and Web Design Knowledge Quizzes" App Download for html quiz questions and answers, html objective questions and answers, html, css and web design knowledge quizzes test prep for online college courses.

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HTML Quiz: HTML, CSS and Web Design Knowledge Quizzes PDF Download - 28

MCQ 136: Basically, XHTML is HTML in combination with

  1. Java
  2. C++
  3. XML
  4. UML

MCQ 137: All HTML documents must start with a declaration of

MCQ 138: The tag used in HTML for the break line indication is

MCQ 139: The value set by default in the the TARGET attribute is

  1. _blank
  2. _parent
  3. _self
  4. _top

MCQ 140: To program the behavior of web pages, the language used is

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. XML
  4. JavaScript

Career Tests: HTML Course Prep

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HTML CSS and Web Design Knowledge Quizzes App (Android & iOS)

HTML CSS and Web Design Knowledge Quizzes App (Android & iOS)

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