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C Language Practice Test 29

C Programming Question Bank PDF Download - 29

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C Language MCQ: C Programming Question Bank PDF Download - 29

MCQ 141: Testing is easiest at the phase of

A) Design
B) Implementation
C) Testing
D) Maintenance

MCQ 142: The output of the following part of program is sum = 0;
status = fscanf (infil,"%d", &n);
while (status == 1){
{ sum+=n;
status= fscanf (infil,"%d", &n);

A) Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete and store back to file when fscanf detects endfile character or inaccurate data.
B) Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete when fscanf detects endfile character.
C) Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete when fscanf detects inaccurate data.
D) Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete when fscanf detects endfile character or inaccurate data.

MCQ 143: In C language, a function which calls itself in a specified sequence is called

A) Top-down design function
B) Recursive function
C) Identity function
D) Stub function

MCQ 144: Evaluating the following code for(i=0; i<7; ++i) {
for (j=0; j printf ("%d\n", i*j )}
, the last value displayed is

A) 30
B) 21
C) 20
D) 12

MCQ 145: In C language, the range of int data type is

A) 0 to 65,535
B) -32,767 to 32,767
C) 0 to 65,535
D) -2,147,483,647 to 2,147,483,647

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