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C Language Practice Test 1

C Programming Practice Exercises with Answers PDF Download

The e-Book C Programming Practice Exercises with Answers, c language quiz questions and answers PDF, test 1 to practice c language online assessment tests. Solve C Language trivia questions, c programming practice exercises with answers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Learning App: "C Programming Practice Exercises with Answers" App Download for introduction to computer questions and answers, c programming practice exercises with answers test prep for online computer science schools.

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C Language Quiz: C Programming Practice Exercises with Answers PDF Download - 1

MCQ 1: In C language, illustration of one call to a function is called

  1. Identity frame
  2. Driver frame
  3. Stub frame
  4. Activation frame

MCQ 2: Evaluating the following code for(i=0; i<7; ++i) {
for (j=0; j printf ("%d\n", i*j )}
, the ratio of printf statement execution in first call is

  1. 7
  2. 1
  3. 0
  4. 6

MCQ 3: Using American Standard Code Information Interchange (ASCII) standard character set, the following expression outputs (char) ((int) 'z' -2 )

  1. w'
  2. x'
  3. y'
  4. z'

MCQ 4: The typical statement used for recursive function is

  1. default statement
  2. break statement
  3. switch statement
  4. if statement

MCQ 5: The output of the following part of program is product =1;
printf("Enter %d to quit \n", SENVAL);
printf("Enter first number>");
while (dat != SENVAL)
{ product *=dat;
printf("next number> ");

  1. Compute sum of list of numbers until the sentinel word SENVAL is entered
  2. Compute product of list of numbers until the sentinel word SENVAL is entered
  3. Compute average of list of numbers until the sentinel word SENVAL is entered
  4. Compute product of list of numbers

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