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Business Research Practice Tests

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Preparing for A Business Research Interview PDF

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Business Research MCQs: Preparing for A Business Research Interview PDF Download

MCQ 1: The technology that consumers request information from a web page and browser then determine a response is known as

A) push technology
B) pull technology
C) upward technology
D) downward technology

MCQ 2: The software that is capable of learning an internet user's preferences and it automatically finding out information in selected websites is known as

A) smart agent software
B) interactive software
C) scanning software
D) hybrid software

MCQ 3: The small files of computer that a content provider can save in to a computer of a person who visits its website are called

A) fries
B) candies
C) cookies
D) hotdogs

MCQ 4: A medium that a person can use to communicate with and interact with other users is known as

A) agency medium
B) environmental medium
C) interactive medium
D) factorial medium

MCQ 5: The technology that sends data to a user's computer without a request being made is called

A) upward technology
B) pull technology
C) downward technology
D) push technology

Practice Tests: Business Research Exam Prep

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