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Engineering Physics Practice Test 189

Newton Law of Gravitation Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 189

The e-Book Newton Law of Gravitation Quiz Questions, newton law of gravitation quiz answers PDF download, chapter 22-189 to study free physics online courses. Practice Newtonian Gravitation MCQ with answers PDF, Newton Law of Gravitation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Newton Law of Gravitation Quiz App Download: Free learning app for zinc, molar volume of ideal gas, argon, equilibrium, newton law of gravitation test prep for job assessment test.

The Quiz: If m1 and m2 are masses of particles, r is the distance between them and G is gravitational constant then by Newton's law of gravitation, F=; "Newton Law of Gravitation" App Download (Free) with answers gm1m2/r, gm1/m2r, gm1m2/r2 and gm1m2/r3 for online engineering schools. Solve newtonian gravitation questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for grad school interview questions.

Newton Law of Gravitation Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 189

MCQ 941: If m1 and m2 are masses of particles, r is the distance between them and G is gravitational constant then by Newton's law of gravitation, F=

A) Gm1/m2r
B) Gm1m2/r
C) Gm1m2/r2
D) Gm1m2/r3

MCQ 942: A reaction that can proceed in the direction of products to reactants is called

A) irreversible reaction
B) stationary reaction
C) reversible reaction
D) linear reaction

MCQ 943: Boiling point of Argon is

A) 838°C
B) 1380°C
C) 838°C
D) −1894°C

MCQ 944: Molar volume of gas is measured in

A) m2/mol
B) m3/mol
C) m4/mol
D) m/mol

MCQ 945: Boiling point of Zinc is

A) 2830°C
B) 906°C
C) 29.75°C
D) 419.58°C

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