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Microelectronics Practice Test 12

Gain Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 12

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Gain Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 12

MCQ 56: Amplification mathematically is

A) Multiplication of a signal by a signal
B) Multiplication of a signal by a constant
C) Multiplication of a signal by a time varying signal
D) Multiplication of a signal by a discrete waveform

MCQ 57: Op - amps esentially are

A) Amplifiers
B) Power Attenuators
C) Voltage dividers
D) voltage attenuator

MCQ 58: Current gain in dB is has a factor of

A) 10
B) 20
C) 0
D) 30

MCQ 59: Ia(t) can be used to represent which type of current

A) All of these
B) Incremental current
C) instantaneous current
D) Supply current

MCQ 60: Preamplifier in the home stereo system is an example of a

A) power amplifier
B) voltage amplifier
C) current amplifier
D) All of these

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