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Oscillators Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 9

Oscillators multiple choice questions and answers PDF, oscillators MCQ worksheets with answers key, electronic devices test 9 for online engineering degrees. Learn feedback oscillator principles MCQs, Oscillators trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn feedback oscillator principles, introduction to oscillators, introduction of 555 timer career test for online colleges enrolling.

"In positive feedback oscillators, output of an amplifier is feed back to the input with" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on oscillators with choices 120° phase shift, 90° phase shift, 180° phase shift, and no phase shift to learn online courses. Practice feedback oscillator principles quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for college entrance exams.

MCQs on Oscillators Quiz PDF Download eBook 9

MCQ: In positive feedback oscillators, output of an amplifier is feed back to the input with

  1. 90° phase shift
  2. 120° phase shift
  3. 180° phase shift
  4. no phase shift


MCQ: In oscillators, input DC power supply is converted into

  1. mechanical energy
  2. electrical energy
  3. thermal energy
  4. optical energy


MCQ: Product of an amplifier gan and attenuation of feedback circuit is equals to

  1. current gain
  2. voltage gain
  3. resistance
  4. capacitance


MCQ: 555 timer is introduced in

  1. 1872
  2. 1890
  3. 1932
  4. 1972


MCQ: Oscillator has input of

  1. DC supply voltage
  2. AC supply voltage
  3. user data
  4. clock signal