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Common Collector Amplifier Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 22

Common Collector Amplifier quiz questions and answers PDF, common collector amplifier trivia questions to solve circuit design worksheet 22 for online engineering courses. Practice BJT Amplifiers quiz questions and answers, common collector amplifier Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online electronics engineering degree. Free common collector amplifier MCQs, full wave rectifiers, class b and ab push pull amplifiers, zener diode, mosfet, common collector amplifier test prep for graduate school interview questions.

"In all the amplifiers the voltage gain is a", common collector amplifier Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices vin /vout, vout /vin, vout /v, and v/vin for online school programs.

Quiz on Common Collector Amplifier PDF Download eBook 22

Common Collector Amplifier Quiz

MCQ: In all the amplifiers the voltage gain is a

  1. Vout /Vin
  2. Vin /Vout
  3. Vout /V
  4. V/Vin



MCQ: The D - MOSFET can be operated in the

  1. depletion mode
  2. enhancement mode
  3. drain mode
  4. Both a and b


Zener Diode Quiz

MCQ: A varactor diode exhibits

  1. a variable capacitance that depends on forward current
  2. a variable capacitance that depends on reverse voltage
  3. a constant capacitance over a range of reverse voltages
  4. a variable resistance that depends on reverse voltage


Class B and AB Push Pull Amplifiers Quiz

MCQ: The pull - push amplifiers are mainly used to reproduce

  1. waveform
  2. current
  3. voltage
  4. Both a and b


Full Wave rectifiers Quiz

MCQ: A 60 V peak full - wave rectified voltage is applied to a capacitor - input filter. If f = 120 Hz. R = 10 k Ω and C = 10 µF, the ripple voltage is

  1. 5 V
  2. 0.6 V
  3. 0.6 mV
  4. 2.88 V