Engineering Courses

Electric Circuit Analysis Certification Exam Tests

Electric Circuit Analysis Practice Test 161

Sinusoidal Functions Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 161

The e-Book Sinusoidal Functions Quiz Questions, sinusoidal functions quiz answers PDF download, chapter 30-161 to study free electric circuit analysis online courses. Practice Waveform and Signals MCQ Questions PDF, sinusoidal functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Sinusoidal Functions Quiz App Download: Free learning app for kirchhoff's voltage law, reactive power, analog computers, force, work and power, sinusoidal functions test prep for easy enrollment online colleges.

The Quiz: A sinusoidal voltage v(t) is given by; "Sinusoidal Functions" App Download (Free) with answers v(t+t), vo cos(ωt+θ), ln v(ωt+θ) and vo tan2πt/t for online graduate programs. Solve waveform and signals questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for undergraduate engineering schools.

Sinusoidal Functions Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 161

MCQ 801: A sinusoidal voltage v(t) is given by

A) Vo cos(Ωt+θ)
B) v(t+T)
C) ln v(Ωt+θ)
D) Vo tan2πt/T

MCQ 802: A 5 kg mass having simple rectilinear motion at constant acceleration of 2.0 m/s2 than the acting force F in Newton will be

A) 2.5 N
B) 10 N
C) 7 N
D) 25 N

MCQ 803: Librascope, aircraft weight and balance computer are applications of

A) analog computers
B) digital computers
C) AC computers
D) DC computers

MCQ 804: The unit of reactive power is

A) volt-ampere reactive
B) volt-watt reactive
C) ampere-watt reactive
D) volt-meter reactive

MCQ 805: Kirchhoff's Voltage law is also known as

A) Kirchhoff's second law
B) Kirchhoff's first law
C) Kirchhoff's point rule
D) Kirchhoff's nodal rule

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