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Shift Registers Trivia Questions and Answers PDF | Download eBooks - 227

Practice Shift registers trivia questions and answers PDF, shift registers quiz answers to learn digital electronics worksheet 227 for online engineering degrees. Solve Latches and Flip Flops quiz with answers, shift registers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve digital electronics test with answers for online electrical engineering degree. Free shift registers MCQs, spice features, memory chip timing, cmos static operation, signal transmission, shift registers test prep for online engineering programs.

"In shift register, bits at the ends have", shift registers Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices two neighbour, one neighbour, three neighbor, and four neighbour for online college classes. Learn latches and flip flops questions and answers with free online certification courses for online high school and college acceptance.

Shift Registers PDF Download eBook 227

Shift Registers Quiz

MCQ: In shift register, bits at the ends have

  1. one neighbour
  2. two neighbour
  3. three neighbor
  4. four neighbour


Signal Transmission Quiz

MCQ: Logic signal transmission in ECL can be found in Taub and Schilling in

  1. 1990
  2. 1957
  3. 1977
  4. 1988


CMOS Static Operation Quiz

MCQ: Kn=kn'(W/L)n, 'W' and 'L' represents the

  1. sizing of transistor
  2. voltage of transistor
  3. switching of transistor
  4. drain-gate of transistor


Memory Chip Timing Quiz

MCQ: RAM chips have an access time of

  1. 1000 ns
  2. 100 ns
  3. 70 ns
  4. 7 ns


SPICE Features Quiz

MCQ: BIA program did only

  1. small signal analysis
  2. BJT circuit operating point analysis
  3. MOS circuit operating point analysis
  4. FET circuit operating point analysis