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CMOS Static Operation Practice Test PDF | Download eBooks - 213

Learn Cmos static operation mock test for exam, cmos static operation MCQ with answers PDF to solve digital electronics worksheet 213 for online engineering courses. Practice CMOS Inverters Trivia Questions and answers, cmos static operation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve digital electronics test with answers for online electronics engineering degree. Free cmos static operation MCQs, mesfets basics, mos rom, fgmos functionality, hexadecimal number system, cmos static operation test prep for free career quiz.

"Kp=", cmos static operation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices kp'(w/l)p, kn'(w/l)n, kn'(w/l)p, and kp'(w/l)n to learn certification courses online. Learn cmos inverters questions and answers with free online certification courses for engineering graduate colleges.

Trivia Quiz on CMOS Static Operation PDF Download eBook 213

CMOS Static Operation Quiz

MCQ: Kp=

  1. kn'(W/L)n
  2. kp'(W/L)p
  3. kn'(W/L)p
  4. kp'(W/L)n


Hexadecimal Number System Quiz

MCQ: Hexadecimal number 19FDE is equals to base 10 number system

  1. 106462
  2. 100462
  3. 116462
  4. 110222


FGMOS Functionality Quiz

MCQ: State of transistor in which threshold is sufficiently high as required is known as

  1. not-programmed state
  2. programmed state
  3. dynamic state
  4. static state



MCQ: Each bit line in MOS ROM is connected to power supply via

  1. PMOS load transistor
  2. NMOS load transistor
  3. PMOS input transistor
  4. NMOS input transistor


MESFETs Basics Quiz

MCQ: Metal-semiconductor junction is called

  1. shockly junction
  2. zener junction
  3. dynamic junction
  4. Schottky junction