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Decoder Basics Trivia Questions and Answers PDF | Download eBooks - 176

Practice Decoder basics trivia questions and answers PDF, decoder basics quiz answers to learn digital electronics worksheet 176 for online engineering degrees. Solve Encoders and Decoders quiz with answers, decoder basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve digital electronics test with answers for online electrical engineering degree. Free decoder basics MCQs, eeprom basics, digital and analog signal, ecl manufacturer specification, mos rom, decoder basics test prep for college entrance examination.

"A common type of decoder is the", decoder basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices line decoder, pin decoder, row decoder, and column decoder to learn online training courses. Learn encoders and decoders questions and answers with free online certification courses for free career quiz.

Decoder Basics PDF Download eBook 176

Decoder Basics Quiz

MCQ: A common type of decoder is the

  1. pin decoder
  2. line decoder
  3. row decoder
  4. column decoder



MCQ: A cell storing 1 has

  2. BJT
  3. FET
  4. no MOSFET


ECL Manufacturer Specification Quiz

MCQ: Noise Margin High 'NMH' for Motorola MECL10000 is

  1. 0.155
  2. 0.125
  3. 1.125
  4. 1.155


Digital & Analog Signal Quiz

MCQ: Special case of discretization in which the number of discrete classes is 2, which can approximate a continuous variable as a binary variable is termed as

  1. Digitization
  2. Binaralization
  3. Dichotomization
  4. Determination


EEPROM Basics Quiz

MCQ: ROM used in computers and other electronic devices to store relatively small amounts of data but allowing individual bytes to be erased and reprogrammed easily is termed as

  1. PROM
  4. NROM