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Transistor Switching Times Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 41

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Transistor Switching Times Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 41

MCQ 201: The time constant of exponential rise in BJT is determined by

A) junction resistances
B) junction capacitance
C) junction inductance
D) junction protons

MCQ 202: Passive pull up has element on output which is

A) transistor
B) resistor
C) insulator
D) conductor

MCQ 203: ROM contains data patterns that are

A) fixed
B) exponentially changing
C) random
D) continuously changing

MCQ 204: If in Y=bar(AB) A and B are inputs and Y is output than it is

A) AND gate
B) NAND gate
C) OR gate
D) NOR gate

MCQ 205: Logic depends only on present value of input is

A) combinational logic
B) sequential logic
C) systematic logic
D) correctional logic

Digital Electronics Exam Prep Tests

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Transistor Switching Times App (Android & iOS)

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