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Semiconductor Memories Practice Test PDF Download eBook - 8

Semiconductor Memories mock test for exam PDF, semiconductor memories trivia worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 8 for online engineering classes. Solve types of memory MCQs, Semiconductor Memories MCQs questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn types of memory, memory chip organization career test for questions to ask during an interview.

"ROM are employed in operation that can require" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on semiconductor memories with choices row lookdown, row lookup, table lookup, and column lookup to learn online engineering courses. Practice types of memory quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online high school and college acceptance.

MCQs on Semiconductor Memories Quiz PDF Download eBook 8

MCQ: ROM are employed in operation that can require

  1. row lookup
  2. row lookdown
  3. table lookup
  4. column lookup


MCQ: 64M bit chip in which all bits are individually addressable is said to be organized as

  1. 32M wordsx1bit
  2. 64M wordsx1bit
  3. 64M wordx2bit
  4. 16M wordx16bit


MCQ: Cell matrix with 2m rows and 2n columns will have total storage capacity of

  1. 2mn
  2. 2m/n
  3. 2n/m
  4. 2m+n


MCQ: RAM should be contrasted with

  1. serial memory
  2. combinational memory
  3. static memory
  4. flip flop


MCQ: Activating one of digit lines is performed by

  1. column decoder
  2. row decoder
  3. column encoder
  4. row encoder