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CMOS Logic Gates Circuits Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 5

CMOS Logic Gates Circuits multiple choice questions and answers PDF, cmos logic gates circuits MCQ worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 5 for online engineering degrees. Learn complex gate MCQs, CMOS Logic Gates Circuits trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn complex gate, basic cmos gate structure career test for online college admission.

"System in which Y will be high if A is low or B and C are both low is represented as" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on cmos logic gates circuits with choices y=abc, y=a+bc, y=a+bar(bc), and y=bar(a)+bar(bc) to study online educational courses. Practice complex gate quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for college entrance exams.

MCQs on CMOS Logic Gates Circuits Quiz PDF Download eBook 5

MCQ: System in which Y will be high if A is low or B and C are both low is represented as

  1. Y=A+BC
  2. Y=ABC
  3. Y=A+bar(BC)
  4. Y=bar(A)+bar(BC)


MCQ: System in which Y is high for A or B is low and either C or D is low is represented as

  1. bar(A)bar(B+CD)
  2. bar(A)+bar(B)(bar(C)+D)
  3. bar(A)+bar(B)(C+D)
  4. bar(A)+bar(B)(bar(C)+bar(D))


MCQ: When signal at gate is high, PDN is

  1. activated
  2. deactivated
  3. not change
  4. can be ON or OFF


MCQ: When signal at gate is high, PUN is

  1. activated
  2. deactivated
  3. not change
  4. can be 0 or 1


MCQ: System in which Y is low for A input is high and simultaneously either B input is high or C and D both are high is represented as

  1. Y=A(B+CD)
  2. bar(Y)=A(B+CD)
  3. bar(Y)=A(1+CD)
  4. bar(Y)=AB+CD