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CMOS Inverters Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 3

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"Each switch is modeled by a finite ON resistance, which is the" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on cmos inverters with choices source-drain resistance, gate-drain resistance, source-gate resistance, and source -body resistance to learn online courses. Practice circuit structure quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for online associate degree in engineering.

CMOS Inverters Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 3

MCQ: Each switch is modeled by a finite ON resistance, which is the

  1. gate-drain resistance
  2. source-drain resistance
  3. source-gate resistance
  4. source -body resistance


MCQ: Unit of transconductance is

  1. joule
  2. newton
  3. siemens
  4. ohms


MCQ: If inverter is required to drive a relatively large capacitive load, W of transistor must be

  1. large
  2. small
  3. zero
  4. infinite


MCQ: Inverter whole area can be represented as

  1. WnLn+WpLp
  2. WnLn-WpLp
  3. WnLp+WpLn
  4. WnLp-WpLn


MCQ: The minimum width of the NMOS transistor is usually one and a half of two times

  1. L
  2. k
  3. W/L
  4. k'