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BJT Advanced Technology Dynamic Switching Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 5

BJT Advanced Technology Dynamic Switching multiple choice questions and answers PDF, bjt advanced technology dynamic switching MCQ worksheets with answers key, digital electronics test 5 for online engineering degrees. Learn saturating & non saturating logic MCQs, BJT Advanced Technology Dynamic Switching trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn saturating and non saturating logic, transistor switching times career test for online undergraduate engineering schools.

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MCQs on BJT Advanced Technology Dynamic Switching Quiz PDF Download eBook 5

MCQ: Schottky TTL logic based on diodes called

  1. zener diode
  2. shockly diode
  3. linear diode
  4. schottky diode


MCQ: Time requires the storage charge from base is

  1. delay time
  2. storage time
  3. turn-on time
  4. fall time


MCQ: Turn-on time 'ton ' is equals to

  1. td(delay)-td(rise)
  2. td(delay)xtd(rise)
  3. td(delay)+td(rise)
  4. td(delay)/td(rise)


MCQ: Emitter Collector Logic 'ECL' is

  1. non-saturating logic
  2. saturating logic
  3. breakdown logic
  4. dynamic logic


MCQ: The time interval between the end of the input pulse (trailing edge) and when the collector current falls to 90% of its maximum value is called

  1. delay time
  2. storage time
  3. turn-on time
  4. turn-off time