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Cortex-M Processor Operating Systems Support Practice Test PDF Download eBook - 3

Cortex-M Processor Operating Systems Support mock test for exam PDF, cortex-m processor operating systems support MCQ with answers to solve ARM processors worksheet 3 for online engineering degrees. Practice Technical Overview quiz questions and answers, cortex-m processor operating systems support Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online electronics engineering degree. Free cortex-m processor operating systems support MCQs, typical elements inside a microcontroller, cortex-m processor operating systems support test prep to learn free online courses.

"The System Tick Timer is a", cortex-m processor operating systems support Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices 16 bit timer, 8 bit timer, 24 bit timer, and 32 bit timer to learn online educational courses.

Trivia Quiz on Cortex-M Processor Operating Systems Support PDF Download eBook 3

Cortex-M Processor Operating Systems Support Quiz

MCQ: The System Tick Timer is a

  1. 8 bit timer
  2. 16 bit timer
  3. 24 bit timer
  4. 32 bit timer


Typical Elements Inside a Microcontroller Quiz

MCQ: In microcontrollers, I2C stands for

  1. Inter-Integrated Clock
  2. Initial-Integrated Clock
  3. Intel-Integrated Circuit
  4. Inter-Integrated Circuit


Cortex-M1 Processor Quiz

MCQ: Number of interrupts present in Cortex-M1 processors are

  1. 1 to 32
  2. 1 to 16
  3. 1,8,16,32
  4. 1 to 240


Typical Elements Inside a Microcontroller Quiz

MCQ: PLL in microcontroller stands for

  1. Phase Lock Loop
  2. Phase Level Loop
  3. Phase Linear Lock
  4. Phase Linear Loop


Typical Elements Inside a Microcontroller Quiz

MCQ: A serial data communication interface in microcontroller specifically used for audio information is

  1. I2C
  2. I2S
  3. UART
  4. GPIO