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Metamaterials Multiple Choice Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook - 9

Metamaterials multiple choice questions and answers PDF, metamaterials MCQ worksheets with answers key, electromagnetic theory test 9 for online engineering degrees. Learn metamaterials: electric & magnetic responses MCQs, Metamaterials trivia questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn metamaterials: electric and magnetic responses, harmonic plane, finite difference time domain, weakness of fdtd modeling career test for engineering associate's degree online.

"In equation, ∊r(w)=1-w2p.e/w2-w2o,e+iγw, 'wp is the" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on metamaterials with choices positive frequency, resonant frequency, microwave frequency, and plasma frequency to learn e-learning courses. Practice metamaterials: electric & magnetic responses quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for undergraduate engineering schools.

MCQs on Metamaterials Quiz PDF Download eBook 9

MCQ: In equation, ∊r(w)=1-w2p.e/w2-w2o,e+iγw, 'wp is the

  1. resonant frequency
  2. positive frequency
  3. microwave frequency
  4. plasma frequency


MCQ: In harmonic plane general equation, A(x,t)=Aocos(kx-wt+φ), 'Ao' is

  1. magnitude of wave disturbance
  2. amplitude
  3. wave number
  4. angular frequency


MCQ: A numerical analysis technique used for modeling computational electrodynamics is called

  1. Finite difference time domain method
  2. Finite integral method
  3. Time-invariant method
  4. Zee's method


MCQ: The wire radius r =1.0x10-6m, lattice constant d = 3.5x10-3m, than effective plasma frequency in radian per second will be

  1. 7.52x1010
  2. 7.52x10-10
  3. 17.52x1010
  4. 27.52x1010


MCQ: There is no way to determine unique values for permitivity and permeability at a material interface in

  1. FDTD
  2. TD
  3. FEM
  4. IFEM