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Electrical Properties of Dielectric Practice Test PDF Download eBook - 16

Electrical Properties of Dielectric mock test for exam PDF, electrical properties of dielectric trivia worksheets with answers key, electromagnetic theory test 16 for online engineering classes. Solve electrical polarization production MCQs, Electrical Properties of Dielectric MCQs questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn electrical polarization production, electronic polarization production, electric and magnetic dipoles, ferroelectrics, oriental polarization career test for free career test.

"Polarization which can occurs in water is" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on electrical properties of dielectric with choices electronic polarization, magnetic polarization, electrical polarization, and ionic polarization to study distance learning courses. Practice electrical polarization production quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for university entrance exam.

MCQs on Electrical Properties of Dielectric Quiz PDF Download eBook 16

MCQ: Polarization which can occurs in water is

  1. magnetic polarization
  2. electronic polarization
  3. electrical polarization
  4. ionic polarization


MCQ: Electronic polarization is depends on

  1. radii of atom
  2. atom electrons
  3. atom protons
  4. atom neutrons


MCQ: Opposite bound charges can't be separated by microscopic distances in

  1. dielectric
  2. conductors
  3. semiconductors
  4. superconductors


MCQ: When electric field is zero but polarization is not zero in the material, than this phenomenon is called

  1. residual polarization
  2. spontaneous polarization
  3. molecular polarization
  4. electrical polarization


MCQ: Vector field which expresses the density of permanent or induced electric dipole moments in a dielectric material is termed as

  1. electrical polarization vector
  2. magnetic polarization vector
  3. bond polarization vector
  4. transition polarization vector