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Electrical Properties of Dielectric Practice Test PDF Download eBook - 12

Electrical Properties of Dielectric mock test for exam PDF, electrical properties of dielectric trivia worksheets with answers key, electromagnetic theory test 12 for online engineering classes. Solve dielectric permittivity MCQs, Electrical Properties of Dielectric MCQs questions and answers for admission and merit scholarships test. Learn dielectric permittivity, oriental polarization, electric and magnetic dipoles, examining material microscopically, nonpolar dielectric materials career test for undergraduate engineering schools.

"Static permitivity of the medium whose relative value is ∊sr is given by" Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on electrical properties of dielectric with choices xe, 1+xe, 1+xeo, and (1+xe)∊o to learn online courses. Practice dielectric permittivity quiz questions for jobs' assessment test and online courses for jobs' assessment test and online courses for questions to ask during an interview.

MCQs on Electrical Properties of Dielectric Quiz PDF Download eBook 12

MCQ: Static permitivity of the medium whose relative value is ∊sr is given by

  1. 1+Xe
  2. Xe
  3. 1+Xeo
  4. (1+Xe)∊o


MCQ: When material containing polarization dipoles is subjected to an electric field, dipoles interact with

  1. sound waves
  2. microwaves
  3. Electromagnetic waves
  4. light waves


MCQ: Closed circulation of electric current is termed as

  1. magnetic dipole
  2. electronic dipole
  3. electric dipole
  4. mechanical dipole


MCQ: When an electric field is applied to a nonpolar or polar dielectric material, volume charge density of material is zero because the positive and negative charges of adjacent dipoles

  1. add each other
  2. cancel each other
  3. are infinite
  4. are equal


MCQ: In the absence of an applied electric field in nonpolar materials, possess nonzero net dipole moment, electric polarization vector in this process is termed as

  1. elecrets
  2. ferroelectrics
  3. ferrities
  4. dipole