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An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema quiz questions and answers PDF, an axiomatic semantics for rdf and rdf schema trivia questions to solve semantic web worksheet 58 for online certification exam. Practice Describing Web Resources RDF quiz questions with answers, an axiomatic semantics for rdf and rdf schema Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free an axiomatic semantics for rdf and rdf schema MCQs, from today web to semantic web, owl and rdf/rdfs, three sublanguages of owl, today web, an axiomatic semantics for rdf and rdf schema test prep to learn online certificate courses.

"In RDF Schema, the functional symbol returns true if element is in list is", an axiomatic semantics for rdf and rdf schema Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices nil, cons(y, a), list(a), and item(y, a) for online computer engineering classes.

Quiz on An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema PDF Download 58

An Axiomatic Semantics for RDF and RDF Schema Quiz

MCQ: In RDF Schema, the functional symbol returns true if element is in list is

  1. cons(y, a)
  2. nil
  3. list(a)
  4. item(y, a)


Today Web Quiz

MCQ: Today?s Web is lacking the feature of

  1. low or no recall
  2. accuracy
  3. highly sensitive to vocabulary
  4. single Web pages


Three Sublanguages of OWL Quiz

MCQ: In OWL, RDF convention is not been followed by

  1. abstract based syntax
  2. XML-based syntax
  3. RDF/XML based syntax
  4. graphic based syntax



MCQ: One of the limitation of RDFS is unable to use properties like transitive, unique, or inverse due to lack of

  1. cardinality restrictions
  2. special characteristics of properties
  3. Local scope of properties
  4. disjointness of classes


From Today Web to Semantic Web Quiz

MCQ: Using traditional Web, the B2C electronic commerce is

  1. error-prone
  2. costly
  3. time-consuming
  4. All of them