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Ontology Engineering Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Ontology Engineering worksheet with answers PDF, ontology engineering MCQ with answers to solve semantic web test worksheet 36 for online past papers exam. Practice Ontology Engineering trivia questions and answers, ontology engineering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free ontology engineering MCQs, introduction to xml, nonmonotonic rules, ontology engineering test prep for master's degree in computer science.

"Ontology mapping is also referred as", ontology engineering Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices ontology scope, ontology taxonomy, ontology enumerations, and ontology alignment for online software engineering degrees.

Trivia Quiz on Ontology Engineering PDF Download 36

Ontology Engineering Quiz

MCQ: Ontology mapping is also referred as

  1. ontology taxonomy
  2. ontology scope
  3. ontology enumerations
  4. ontology alignment


Nonmonotonic Rules Quiz

MCQ: The defeasible logic program is a set of

  1. triple
  2. double
  3. quadruple
  4. single


Ontology Engineering Quiz

MCQ: The GTN used in

  1. medical domain
  2. cultural domain
  3. geographical domain
  4. computer domain


Introduction to XML Quiz

MCQ: XML was built due to limitations of

  1. HTML
  2. XHTML
  3. RDF
  4. SGML


Description of OWL Language Quiz

MCQ: In OWL, owl:distinctMembers can only be used in grouping with

  1. owl:FunctionalProperty
  2. owl:InverseFunctionalProperty
  3. owl:allDifferent
  4. owl:SymmetricProperty