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Conclusion and Outlook to Semantic Web Practice Test PDF Download eBook

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Trivia Quiz on Conclusion and Outlook to Semantic Web PDF Download 27

Conclusion and Outlook to Semantic Web Quiz

MCQ: RDF-based XMP metadata framework is a Semantic Web contribution of

  1. Oracle
  2. Adobe
  3. HP
  4. IBM


Rule Markup Language (RuleML) Quiz

MCQ: In datalog RuleML vocabulary, the word used for rule is

  1. Asserted Atom
  2. Asserted Implies
  3. head
  4. body


Description of OWL Language Quiz

MCQ: The namespace of xmlns:xsd ="" is defined by

  1. OWL:RDF element
  2. owl:OWL element
  3. rdf:RDF element
  4. rdf:OWL element


XML Language Quiz

MCQ: XML declaration example is


RDF Schema: Language Quiz

MCQ: In RDFS to use core property of relationship among property and its superproperties, the element used is

  1. rdf:type
  2. rdf:Property
  3. rdfs:Class
  4. rdfs:subPropertyOf