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Description of OWL Language Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Description of OWL Language worksheet with answers PDF, description of owl language MCQ with answers to solve semantic web test worksheet 24 for online past papers exam. Practice Web Ontology Language OWL trivia questions and answers, description of owl language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free description of owl language MCQs, description of owl language test prep to learn online certificate courses.

"In OWL ontology development, the minimum number restriction for an object can be achieved by", description of owl language Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices owl:mincardinality, owl:maxcardinality, owl:restriction, and owl:cardinality for online software engineering classes.

Trivia Quiz on Description of OWL Language PDF Download 24

Description of OWL Language Quiz

MCQ: In OWL ontology development, the minimum number restriction for an object can be achieved by

  1. owl:maxCardinality
  2. owl:minCardinality
  3. owl:Restriction
  4. owl:Cardinality


Description of OWL Language Quiz

MCQ: In OWL Language, the owl:one of is used for

  1. enumeration
  2. complement
  3. intersection
  4. union


Structuring of XML Language Quiz

MCQ: A value type that is used to show must occurrence of an attribute for each element in XML document is denoted by

  2. #FIXED
  3. value


Structuring of XML Language Quiz

MCQ: In XML schema, the attribute type used for optional existence constraint is

  1. use
  2. type
  3. maxOccurs
  4. minOccurs


Description of OWL Language Quiz

MCQ: According to OWL Lite constraints, the statement that can be made among class identifiers but not among anonymous classes is called

  1. owl:complementOf
  2. owl:oneOf
  3. owl:unionOf
  4. owl:equivalentClass