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Chapter 1: PHP Exam Tests

PHP MCQs - Chapter 1

Advance PHP Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 7

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Advance PHP Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 7

MCQ 31: To ask objects about their classes, and ask classes about their parents without searching in code, is example of

A) Serialization
B) Inspection
C) Introspection
D) Equalization

MCQ 32: Parent class is a

A) Super class
B) Base class
C) Derived class
D) Both A and B

MCQ 33: The Pear coding style recommends that the class name begins with

A) Lowercase letter
B) Uppercase letter
C) letter A
D) Both A and B

MCQ 34: Destruct ( ) function is used to call a

A) Constructor
B) Destructor
C) Object
D) Method

MCQ 35: PHP does not support multiple inheritance but it supports

A) Chained subclassing
B) Classified subclassing
C) Unique subclassing
D) None of them

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Advance PHP App (Android & iOS)

PHP App (Android & iOS)

PHP App (Android & iOS)

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