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Concurrency Deadlock and Starvation Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Concurrency Deadlock and Starvation trivia questions and answers, concurrency deadlock and starvation quiz answers PDF to solve operating system mock test 51 for online degrees. Practice Concurrency Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization trivia questions and answers, concurrency deadlock and starvation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for online university degrees. Free concurrency deadlock and starvation MCQs, system calls in operating system, linux process and thread management, operating system structure, computer system organization, concurrency deadlock and starvation test prep for master's degree in computer science.

"The operating system must allocate and deal various resources for each active", concurrency deadlock and starvation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices resource, process, processor, and i/o device to learn online tutor courses. Learn concurrency mutual exclusion and synchronization questions and answers with free online certification courses for BSc computer science.

Trivia Quiz on Concurrency Deadlock & Starvation PDF Download eBook

Concurrency Deadlock and Starvation Quiz

MCQ: The operating system must allocate and deal various resources for each active

  1. Process
  2. Resource
  3. Processor
  4. I/O Device


Computer system organization Quiz

MCQ: Loading of the operating system at the start is also called

  1. versatile machine
  2. clouding
  3. versatile memory
  4. booting


Operating system structure Quiz

MCQ: Operating system of the computer system has simultaneously

  1. 2 jobs
  2. 3 jobs
  3. 4 jobs
  4. many jobs


Linux Process and Thread Management Quiz

MCQ: The process or task in Linux is represented by a

  1. task domain
  2. task construct
  3. task build
  4. task struct


System calls in Operating System Quiz

MCQ: When error occurs, program of the operating system automatically gets

  1. Executed
  2. aborted
  3. stored
  4. Declined