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Magnetic Tape Basics Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Magnetic Tape Basics worksheet with answers PDF, magnetic tape basics MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 99 for online past papers exam. Practice Secondary Storage Devices trivia questions and answers, magnetic tape basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free magnetic tape basics MCQs, disk formatting, printers and its types, changeover to new system, read only memory, magnetic tape basics test prep for top computer science schools in the world.

"Tape ribbon of the magnetic tape is stored in", magnetic tape basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices small cartridge, reels, cassette, and all of the above to learn online courses.

Trivia Quiz on Magnetic Tape Basics PDF Download 99

Magnetic Tape Basics Quiz

MCQ: Tape ribbon of the magnetic tape is stored in

  1. Reels
  2. Small cartridge
  3. Cassette
  4. All of the Above


Read Only Memory Quiz

MCQ: User is allowed to erase information stored in the chip in the type of ROM known as

  1. PROM
  2. EPROM
  4. OPROM


Changeover to New System Quiz

MCQ: To carry out the change process, the followed methods are said to be of

  1. Two types
  2. Three types
  3. Four types
  4. Five types


Printers and its Types Quiz

MCQ: Typical speed of drum printers ranges between

  1. 200-1000 lines per minute
  2. 300-2000 lines per minute
  3. 400-3000 lines per minute
  4. 500-4000 lines per minute


Disk Formatting Quiz

MCQ: Low-level formatting allows drive to organize and store the data in

  1. Data definition
  2. Data organization
  3. Data declaration
  4. Data modification