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Analytical Engine Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Analytical Engine multiple choice questions and answers PDF, analytical engine quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 8 for online mock test. Practice Introduction to Computing quiz with answers, analytical engine Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free analytical engine MCQs, univac i, computer graphics, testing and debugging, unicode, analytical engine test prep for computer software engineer online degree.

"Analytical engine was created by", analytical engine Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices charles babbage, larry page, brendan eich, and barbara liskov for computer science bachelor degree online.

Analytical Engine Questions and Answers PDF Download 8

Analytical Engine Quiz

MCQ: Analytical engine was created by

  1. Larry Page
  2. Charles Babbage
  3. Brendan Eich
  4. Barbara Liskov


Unicode Quiz

MCQ: Unicode scheme defines codes for special characters and

  1. Mathematical symbols
  2. Technical symbols
  3. Diacritics
  4. All of the Above


Testing and Debugging Quiz

MCQ: Testing process must take place at the early stages of

  1. Software planning
  2. Software analysis
  3. Software development
  4. Software evaluation


Computer Graphics Quiz

MCQ: Sequencing and display of a set of images to create a visual change effect is called

  1. Computer animations
  2. Computer graphics
  3. Computer videography
  4. Computer image terminals



MCQ: A system with the implementation of which is said to mark the real beginning of the computer era is named to be

  1. Intel 4004
  2. Altair 8800