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Subprogram Practice Test PDF Download eBook

Learn Subprogram worksheet with answers PDF, subprogram MCQ with answers to solve computer technology test worksheet 72 for online past papers exam. Practice Computer Languages trivia questions and answers, subprogram Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online information technology degree. Free subprogram MCQs, apple macintosh, time sharing, os capability enhancement software, advantages of compiler and interpreter, subprogram test prep for computer majors.

"Intrinsic subprograms are also known as", subprogram Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices user defined functions, built in functions, system defined functions, and process defined functions to learn online tutor courses.

Trivia Quiz on Subprogram PDF Download 72

Subprogram Quiz

MCQ: Intrinsic subprograms are also known as

  1. Built in functions
  2. User defined functions
  3. System defined functions
  4. Process defined functions


Advantages of Compiler and Interpreter Quiz

MCQ: The newer versions of interpreter compiles intermediate programs in

  1. Memory
  2. Virtual program environment
  3. Intermediate output
  4. Host environment


OS Capability Enhancement Software Quiz

MCQ: Language processors are also known to be

  1. Translating programs
  2. Systematic programs
  3. Structural programs
  4. Processing programs


Time Sharing Quiz

MCQ: Computing facility to small users and small CPU idle time is provided by

  1. Multiprocessor systems
  2. Multithread systems
  3. Schedule systems
  4. Time sharing systems


Apple Macintosh Quiz

MCQ: Apple was introduced by

  1. IBM
  2. Intel
  3. CRAY
  4. Macintosh