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Linker Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Linker multiple choice questions and answers PDF, linker quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 65 for online mock test. Practice Computer Languages quiz with answers, linker Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free linker MCQs, main memory organization, programs, printers, computer generations, linker test prep for top computer science schools in the world.

"In case of a linker, the object program files are referred to as", linker Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices linkers, loaders, integrators, and modules to study online classes courses.

Linker Questions and Answers PDF Download 65

Linker Quiz

MCQ: In case of a linker, the object program files are referred to as

  1. Loaders
  2. Linkers
  3. Integrators
  4. Modules


Computer Generations Quiz

MCQ: Representative system of third generation series includes

  1. Honeywell 400
  2. Honeywell 200
  3. IBM 701
  4. PDP-11


Printers Quiz

MCQ: Dot-Matrix printers are considered to be slow printers with speed ranging between

  1. 10-400 characters per second
  2. 20-500 characters per second
  3. 30-600 characters per second
  4. 40-800 characters per second


Programs Quiz

MCQ: Time required to complete the execution of an object is called

  1. Compilation time
  2. Run time
  3. Process time
  4. Clock time


Main Memory Organization Quiz

MCQ: Most modern computers employ the memory organization named as

  1. Fixed length
  2. Set length
  3. Data length
  4. Expression length