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Data Organization Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Data Organization multiple choice questions and answers PDF, data organization quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 41 for online mock test. Practice Business Data Processing quiz with answers, data organization Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free data organization MCQs, microcomputers, advantages of compiler and interpreter, machine language, output devices, data organization test prep for online computer science engineering.

"The consistency of data in all files represents", data organization Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices data atomicity, data compatibility, data integrity, and data definition to study online training courses.

Data Organization Questions and Answers PDF Download 41

Data Organization Quiz

MCQ: The consistency of data in all files represents

  1. Data compatibility
  2. Data atomicity
  3. Data integrity
  4. Data definition


Output Devices Quiz

MCQ: Data in the secondary storage usually resides in

  1. Hard disks
  2. Tapes
  3. Disks
  4. All of the Above


Machine Language Quiz

MCQ: The need for programmers to learn a new machine language, to rewrite the existing programs, defines the problem of

  1. Difficult programming
  2. Machine dependency
  3. Error prone
  4. Difficult modification


Advantages of Compiler and Interpreter Quiz

MCQ: Self documenting languages are referred to

  1. Machine language
  2. Assembly language
  3. Low-level language
  4. High level language


Microcomputers Quiz

MCQ: Desktops and Laptops are different forms of

  1. Macrocomputers
  2. Server computers
  3. Microcomputers
  4. Mainframes