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Time Sharing Trivia Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Solve Time Sharing multiple choice questions and answers PDF, time sharing quiz answers to learn computer technology worksheet 35 for online mock test. Practice Operating Systems quiz with answers, time sharing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer science degree. Free time sharing MCQs, optical disks, half inch tape reel, high level languages, internet communications, time sharing test prep for accelerated computer science degree online.

"The short period of time in which a user process gets the CPU time is known as", time sharing Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices time slot, time slice, quantum, and all of the above to study online training courses.

Time Sharing Questions and Answers PDF Download 35

Time Sharing Quiz

MCQ: The short period of time in which a user process gets the CPU time is known as

  1. Time slice
  2. Time slot
  3. Quantum
  4. All of the Above


Internet Communications Quiz

MCQ: Wireless computing system includes

  1. Fixed wireless systems
  2. Variable wireless systems
  3. Mobile wireless systems
  4. Both A and C


High Level Languages Quiz

MCQ: Each statement of a high level language is normally a

  1. Micro instruction
  2. Mnemonic instruction
  3. Macro instruction
  4. Code instructions


Half Inch Tape Reel Quiz

MCQ: Magnetic tape reels are said to

  1. Fast and cheap
  2. Fast and expensive
  3. Compact and easy to handle
  4. Both A and C


Optical Disks Quiz

MCQ: The encoding scheme used by the optical disk drives is named as

  1. BCD
  3. ASCII
  4. CLV